Sunday, November 21, 2004

Young men do best at driving test but most likely to die in road crashes

Last year almost 57 per cent of men passed their driving test in Ireland compared to 53 per cent of women, according to a report by Olivia Kelly in The Irish Times (premium content). Young drivers between 22 and 25 years of age are more likely to pass the test than any other age group, with a success rate of 59 per cent, she writes.

Yet, "the person most likely to be killed in a car crash is a man between 17 and 25 who has held his licence for less than two years, according to figures from the National Roads Authority and the National Safety Council.

"The youngest group of drivers, those aged 16 to 21 have the second highest pass rate at 57.4 per cent, but mature drivers, those over 26 years of age are the least likely to pass at just 51 per cent.

However, the Department of Transport claims the figures do not call into question the standard of the driving test. "The driving test is in line with European standards."The number of young males being killed on the roads is a problem and a common theme throughout Europe, not just in Ireland."

The test and the number of people being killed are two separate issues we don't believe that these recent statistics discredit the test," a spokeswoman for the Department said.

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